Tag Archives: partner swapping

swingers lifestyle sexual benefits

Exploring the Benefits of Swinging for Sexual Health

Swinging can have profound physical and mental benefits for our health. Many swingers lifestyle couples have discovered the vast emotional and physical perks that boost emotional and sexual health benefits through partner swapping and consensual non-monogamy.

Mental Health Benefits of Swinging

Swinging can be emotionally healing for couples who have strong relationships and want to ease their minds with a little playtime. Many people have heightened self-esteem and greater confidence overall. A sense of freedom comes along with exploring sexual desires rather than repressing them.

Open and honest communication and a mutual understanding can allow swingers to be more comfortable trusting the bonds of their one-on-one relations. Some couples may experience a stronger connection with their primary partners due to more honest open communication channels, that brings them closer together.

However, swinger couples who are not particularly strong in their primary relationship can face challenges in their union and their ‘real world’ existence, including:

  • Jealousy
  • Emotional Needs Go Unaddressed
  • Social Stigma
  • Miscommunication


How Swinging Can Foster a Healthy Mental Space

When entered into with intention and a few set rules, partner swapping and sharing involves more than sexual activity. A healthy mindset is essential and must be prioritized to ensure a joyful and fulfilling experience. Being open and honest about sexual desires others helps create more meaningful interactions when swinging. It creates a robust relationship for lifestyle couples that are emotionally healthy and loving.

Swinging as a Form of Physical Exercise and Stress Relief

The benefits of swinging go far beyond the immediate pleasures of the lifestyle itself, giving many individuals a unique and healthy way to unwind and relax. Swinging can serve as an escape from the stressors and pressures of every day life. There is more than just fostering a sense of adventure, but swingers can also enjoy getting more exercise as you receive and give pleasure to other participants. This extra activity helps build stronger muscles for better health.

Don’t hesitate to explore and enjoy new ways of pleasures. Consider joining a local swinging club or taking a swinger-oriented cruise. There are also possibilities to meet partners by visiting an adults only resort for a swingingly good time.

Ready For Good Times in the Swingers Lifestyle?

While the concept of a swinging partner paradigm and experience can be healthy and liberating, be prepared to go into it with an open mind.


Tonight’s the big night. You and your spouse are dressed to the nines. You’ve got your location picked and maybe even a nice bottle of bubbly on hand to set the mood. Yes, tonight’s the night you and your spouse…

A Look At Why Some Couples May Divorce After Swinging

Swinger couples are quick to acknowledge that their mutual love of the lifestyle tends to keep things interesting by spicing up their relationships with other willing partners. Swinging couples divorce …


swingingWhen two people enter into a relationship, that spark of electricity can be extremely influencing, making sex particularly passionate and exciting. This is called the ‘honeymoon phase,’ and like real honeymoons, this phase inevitably comes to an end after a few months or a couple of years. Once this period has run its course, things often cool off between the sheets and that spark fizzles. Essentially, the fireworks of New Year’s Eve can suddenly resemble Thanksgiving reverence instead. However, there’s no need to be too concerned if you have a READ MORE


Subtle Signs Your Neighbor Might Be Into the Swinging Lifestyle

If your neighbor is a swinger, it’s highly unlikely that they will say so when they introduce themselves to you. However, there are several theories and suppositions on a number of popular swingers lifestyle forums that claim that there are subtle signs that indicate a home’s occupants might be into the swinging lifestyle. While we can’t verify these claims, it does give you something to look for when driving around your neighborhood.

Landscaping and Decor Giveaways of a Swinger

Supposedly, garden gnomes and pink flamingos are often present in the lawns of individuals into the swinging lifestyle. Another bizarre sign that one should look for is a pineapple door knocker. Albeit this sounds a bit fruity, this is supposedly one of the most supported claims concerning decor signs.

Others cite that pink and purple decorations are a signal of swinger action, while there are also claims garden pampas grass is a secret sign. We have to admit, that some of these ‘signs’ seem fairly harmless and many are relatively common. However, if you see several of these indications in the same lawn, you might have neighbors who enjoy the swingers lifestyle.

Personal Indicators Swingers Might Employ

Beyond what you see outside the home, what you see your neighbor donning—particularly jewelry wise—may also be covert signs that they enjoy partner swapping or other lifestyle activities. It’s been said that many swingers wear a black ring on their right hand if their open to meet fellow playmates, and that women may wear toe or thumb rings or anklets. Some may wear their wedding ring on the right hand to show that they are in some type of open marriage arrangement such as swinging.

In the jewelry department, we can confirm one indicator for sure: a secret symbol wristband. The symbol features the male and female signs with their circles intersecting. There will be three plus or minus signs on each side that indicates what they are looking for. For example, three plus signs on each side says, ‘we’re looking for partners as a couple’ while a minus sign means they are up for solo action.

Now that you know what your neighbors might be up to, keep your eyes peeled for possible new playmates or companions in the swingers lifestyle.

Swapping your wife

Swapping Your Wife for Sex with another Man

Swap Your Wife Website The system of wife swapping has been prevalent since years and is commonly referred to as ‘swinging’ in which committed or married couples engage in sexual …



Learn how swingers rarely get divorced. Life always needs excitement and entertainment. No one likes to spend a monotonous life. It has been seen many times that often couples get bored of each other due to various reasons. Some…


Wife Swapping

Those considering elevating their relationship to greater heights of pleasure by joining the swingers lifestyle discover ample opportunities for wife swapping. A wife swap situation is where married couples switch partners willingly to engage in sexual enjoyment. These engagements can involve two or more couples and can involve bisexual encounters depending on the openness of the participants involved. Swingers participating in wife swapping get more than just sex from these experiences—there are actually quite a few long term benefits for such couples. 1.  Wife Swapping Swingers Develop Deeper Trust It READ MORE

How Do Women Benefit from Wife Swapping

Wife Swapping

Wife swapping is one of the most misunderstood concepts of a swinger’s lifestyle. In wife swapping, two our more couples engage in sex with the wife of the other couple. While taboo to most traditional marriages, it can be incredibly beneficial for the women that engage in the lifestyle. So long as the couples involved understand that it is done as a couple, and not as a way to cheat on one another.

wife swappingWhen couples are engaged in swapping, they choose couples that they have similar interests with and that they are comfortable with. This allows a woman to feel that she does have some control over who their partner is with. For many women, this alleviates fears and anxieties about their partner cheating. Couples that engage in this activity also make a circle of friends that they are comfortable around. Many people in an alternative lifestyle know that their ‘Vanilla’ friends may not be able to understand or accept this part of another’s life. There is a safety in being open around friends that you know share your interest.

wife swappingWife swapping provides for a safe outlet for sexual exploration, especially for bi-curious women. Women can explore each other knowing that their partner is enjoying the moment as well. Women that explore bi-curious desires in clubs and bars, may feel threatened or unwanted. Women in bars that are bi or lesbian may not be willing to share. Just like straight counterparts, they may want a relationship that would interfere with yours. There is also no pressure on the woman in swapping, since it is about wife swapping the women does not have to engage with the other woman if they get uncomfortable.
Women and men that engage in wife swapping often have a higher level of trust in their partner. When swapping is done as part of an intimate moment, rather than cheating, couples have fewer issues of jealousy. So long as the couple is open and secure in their relationship, women do not have to worry about their partner wandering for something that is ‘outside’ of the relationship. Men that are able to indulge their passions are less likely to wander. Unlike monogamous couples, the woman has a say in who their partner is with.
Wife swapping is not for everyone. Open communication and trust is a key element to any relationship, especially those in the swinging lifestyle. Women can benefit greatly by being able to explore their sexuality and fantasies in a safe manner, without endangering their relationship.Join and swap your wife now: Wife Swapping


Am I A Swinger?

Swinger News - Am I A Swinger At some point in a relationship, the feeling of intimacy is questioned.  The question that tends to be on one’s mind “Is he/she satisfying me sexually?”  When couples don’t communicate about these issues, it tends to cause a problem in the relationship.  For some couples sexual intimacy is important in maintaining a healthy relationship, while others tend to get intimately irritated with it.   The swinging lifestyle is a type of secret society where one can explore their exotic sexual fantasies.  Couples are able then able to explore and live out these fantasies together.

My partner Tom and I are having trouble in our relationship.  We both had been unfaithful and have ventured out of the relationship to find excitement.  I began doing some research online to see if there was anyway we could fix things before they got any worse.  I was scrolling through a couples articles and came across a forum that spoke about swingers and their experiences.  I became quite interested and came upon a local swingers club’s website.  The website highlighted their events, rules, membership and contact information, so I decided to reach out.  I wasn’t sure what I was looking for or even thinking at the time, but all the same I decided to give it a shot.  I knew that I was looking for something new, an adventure, something my honey and I could experience together.  I was in love with him and wanted to make things better, but we were both missing something in this relationship so I decided to investigate the lifestyle.

I made a phone call and was greeted warmly by the manager that went by the name of Sam.  I introduced myself and explained to him that I was interested in exploring the swinging lifestyle and wondered if he had some time to talk.  After a brief conversation, he told me to stop by the club so we could chat some more and he would show me around and answer any questions I had.  I set up a date to visit him at the club.

Swinger News - Am I A SwingerI nervously approached the building that looked like a regular night club from outside.  When I entered, I was greeted by the warm voice that answered the phone.  “Hi, I’m Sam, welcome.” He said and shook my hand.  “Nice to meet you Sam, I’m Julie,” O replied with a slight grin on my face.  He invited me to have a seat with him so we could discuss what I wanted to know about the lifestyle.  My mind was racing and my eyes were looking all around.  I was still unsure if I had just stepped foot into some type of cult-like experience that I couldn’t walk away from. We spoke about my desires and the issues my partner and I were facing.   He went on to tell me how he got into swinging and how he started the swingers club.  The idea for the club came from nothing more than two friends joking around. He was always a good business man and one night they visited a swingers club.  His friend jokingly said you should start your own sex club and that was something that stuck with him.  After much though and planning, he opened the doors to the club in 2004 and used the internet to get the word out.

He went on to say that the first party was very successful and more than he had hoped for.  He said lots of people tuned up and most of them were out of towners.  We were the only swing club in the area and the nearest one was more than 200 miles away.  “People were genuinely excited to meet and mingle”, he explains. He also pointed out the fact that not every member is in a relationship. There were many married couples, lesbian couples, single men and women at the club that night.

Swinger News - Am I A Swinger He began to ask me a series of questions to determine what I was into and the type of Swinger I would be. He told me that the definition of a swinger is a sexually driven individual who enjoys the act of sex more than the idea of it and lives out their fantasies of multiple partners without cheating.  He went on to say that there were three types of swingers.  There are the hardcore swingers that are open about their involvement in the lifestyle. Then there are the double-life swingers who keep the lifestyle and friends in the lifestyle separate and private. Lastly there were the single swingers.  They include single men; women, gay men that participate in erotic play without a spouse, but they are mostly single women.  He also shared that hardcore and double-Life swingers are in love with their partners and playing in the lifestyle is just an extension to their thriving sexual relationship.  He also added that most of the swingers that attend these parties are parents and professionals within the community.

Before I left, he suggested that I check out a swingers dating website to get a feel for the lifestyle.  I went home and created an account for my partner just to see if we could meet up with a compatible couple.    After trolling the site and with no improvement to my relationship, I had decided to put the lifestyle on the back burner for a while.  To be honest, my relationship was still filled with insecurities and jealousy and swinging from what I was reading would not make it better.  While the idea of having an open relationship is appealing, I don’t think my current relationship is ready for the complexities of the Lifestyle.

Famous People in The LifeStyle

Stephen Hawking Visits California Sex Club Swingers have been around for so long that the term “swingers” or “swinging” did not mean to swap sexual partners.   The term “swing” or “swinger” had a different meaning in the 20’s, 30’s and 40’s, so much so, that it was taboo for a woman to be called a swinger.  The term took on a very different meaning in the 60’s and you can read more about that in the online swinger’s magazine.  Mainstream has not accepted the swinging lifestyle, so most people don’t broadcast that they are swingers out of fear of being ostracized by their family and peers.  But, every now and again you hear about a famous person who was a swinger or celebrity couples that embrace the lifestyle.

The most famous swinging couple known to mainstream is Will and Jada Smith.   They have been hounded by the media for years because they are known as active swingers.  There was even a rumor that Will Smith was dating Gabrielle Union while filming Bad Boys II, and Jada didn’t mind.  Shirley MacLaine, a well-known actress, singer, author and activist, opened up to Oprah about her 30 year open marriage that she shared with husband Steve Parker.  Buck Henry, the actor, writer and movie director, was a member of Plato’s Retreat in New York.  We all heard the news about Stephen Hawking, a famous physicist, cosmologist and author, who visited the California swingers club Freedom Acres where he pleasured himself with young naked dancers who performed privately for him.  Then there is the realty star Donn Gunvalson from the Real Housewives of O.C, he and his wife are going through a divorce and we are now learning that he is actually a regular at the same swingers club Stephen Hawkins visited, Freedom Acres in Devore, California.

Robert Heinlein, the science fiction writer who died in 1988 was also a swinger.  I have even read somewhere that Ben Franklin was a swinger and who can forget Hugh Hefner.  Hugh has always had at least 3 girlfriends at a time and has thrown wild, crazy parties and orgies at the playboy mansion.  Do you know of any celebrity couples or famous people then and now who are swingers?  We would love to hear from you.