All posts by swingersdotorgadmin


How To Have Safe and Fun Outdoor Sex

Partners don’t necessarily have to be swingers or lifestyle couples to enjoy the wonderful realm of outdoor sex. Communing with Mother Nature while coupling can bring couples and even groups closer together. To get things rolling in the great outdoors, there are a few safety tips and precautions to heed to make the experience one to remember and one you’ll want to repeat time and time again.

Be Prepared for Planned or Spontaneous Outdoor Sex

Not a lot is needed to get it on outside, and what you want to have on hand can easily be stored away in a duffle bag in the closet or trunk of the car for last minute outdoor rendezvous. Here’s what you’ll need.

  • Thick Towel or Blanket
  • Lube
  • Condoms
  • Baby Wipes or Cleanup Rag
  • Extra Clothes (Just in Case!)

Keep those knees, tails, backs and heads protected from pebbles, tree bark, shells and rough ground objects when exploring various sex positions. Bring that blanket, and pack up extra goodies like condoms and close to play it extra safe.

Avoid Probing Eyes, Cameras and Don’t Get Caught!

It’s understandable that some swingers get off at the idea of ‘getting caught’ while having sex. But, this is best left to remain a fantasy, as there can be legal repercussions, personal embarrassment or both. Remember, word gets around fast, especially if charged with lewd conduct officially or a child happens to see you.


The realities of getting caught by wandering eyes, people that crop up unexpectedly, critter cams or even worse, by law enforcement is the polar opposite of sexy. The law or anyone else can pull up on you quicker than you can get those pants pulled up! Find a safe spot that is rarely frequented or do the do on your own private property.

Some Location Ideas for Outdoor Sex

Some great places to engage in outdoor sex include the woods or a forest with plenty of trees and areas shielded from public view. Just be sure no one can hear you or see you! For a fantastic night under the stars, consider having a bit of romance on a camping trip, where you can take shelter in a cozy tent for cuddling afterwards.

Nearby a lake, river, pond or the beach is a perfect place to feel naturally sensual. The soothing sound of the water trickling or waves adds a sense of serenity to the experience. Adventurous lifestyle couples might get waist or neck deep in the water and dive into the action. Any bystanders will likely think you’re making out or just snuggling up, as they can’t see what goes on beneath the water line. You’ll want to lube up before underwater penetration.

Popular Sex Positions for Outdoor Sex

Assume the position anyway you please, but being outdoors can open up vast opportunities for new positions to achieve new heights of pleasure. Tree hugging is a top choice, just be wary of getting bark or branches in the wrong spots. When in the water, take a koala bear hug position or spoon for backside entry. Campers may try sex in a hammock, which is a feat all in of itself. Open up the outdoors into your sex life, and join Gaia in joyous copulation!

Why Secluded Outdoors Could Be A Great Swinger Party

While it is common for most of us to enjoy a swinger party either in a club or house within the city or area where we belong to, there are… READ MORE


A new study published in the journal, Social Psychology and Personality Science has revealed that it can actually be good for you to have casual sex. A survey conducted on nearly 400 college students by the researchers of Cornell University…


sexual fantasies

Having sexual fantasies is completely normal, and exploring them in ‘real life’ might be intimidating for a first time indulger. Some of the most common desires individuals want to fulfill include sensual massages, threesomes, domination and submission play, outdoor sex and making intimate videos. While there are numerous wild and sane fantasies, we’ll address the top three and offer tips to ensure they are fulfilled as ‘safe fantasies.’ 1. Domination and Submission Fantasies Taking an intimate experience to the next level with a bit of sub/dom play is a sexual READ MORE

swingers privacy

Tips for Protecting Your Privacy in the Swingers Lifestyle

Depending on how open participants are, many in the swingers lifestyle opt to keep their sex lives private. However, in today’s world, information is easier to obtain about who you are, where you live and other details that can be both embarrassing and pose a danger to your safety.

Fortunately, the majority of swingers appreciate privacy too, so follow these security tips to maintain some sense of anonymity when chatting with new people, especially those you meet on a swingers website.

Keeping Your Identity a Mystery Until Sharing Feels Right

A good many people in the swinging scene create a profile name that describes interests or likes instead of using their real name or any variation to their real one. It only takes a few clicks online to find out personal info when using your actual identity.

Protecting Email Accounts and Phone Numbers

It’s important not to share personal contact details with others on a swingers platform. Use whatever features the site has such as instant messaging and video chat to vet potential playmate. Look out for the ones requesting your personal phone number or email address on first contact so they can “chat” more offline.  Those living in smaller towns or who are well known can use their alternate name and list themselves as residing in a nearby town if meeting swingers nearby is important.

Consider getting a burner phone should you choose to share your number. Creating a second email address is free and can be a dedicated connection point solely for swinging efforts.

Preventing Images From Doxxing Your Info

It’s risky to take pictures in the home, workplace or even nearby identifiable landmarks in your community. Use a virtual background in online swingers chatrooms, and don’t show your face when taking nudes.

Use photo editors that can blur out identifying markings and set the privacy features on your photo galleries to protect images you don’t want shared with the public.  When you are willing to share sexy photographs, don’t store them on your ‘vanilla’ phone, but place them in password-protected galleries on sites you frequent.


There are swinger website that provides you the added security and privacy that allows you to play freely. Be on the look out for pic collectors and those that engage with the lifestyle in bad faith. Free profiles on swingers sites often lack access to most features while some members only play with other paid members. It shows a commitment to the lifestyle in general. If you’re serious about the swingers lifestyle, we suggest reading up on what the lifestyle is all about on swingers forums and swinger groups.

Why Couples Get Into Swinging

Swinging is a form of lifestyle that is gaining popularity and there are many people out there adopting this lifestyle. This kind of relationship has been ongoing for a … READ MORE


Want to know Why Swinging Does Wonders to Your Lackluster Marriage? Most marriages often drown in their self-created boredom. Monogamous marriages are more like monotonous routines. The same story of work, chores, kids, bills, deadlines and Monday mornings, rob us of…


Swingers Lifestyle

Some adult profiles can seem inauthentic and determining which ones are real can prove a bit more challenging — particularly when it comes to adult personals in the swingers lifestyle. However, with these easy tips, you can more easily spot if someone you’re considering for play is truly who they say they are with intentions that match up with your own. Pay Attention to Swinger Profile Details Take a close look at the sexual preferences, weight, height and other pertinent details in all the swingers personals you review. Those that READ MORE

swinger chatrooms

Connecting with Lifestyle Couples Via Swinger Chatrooms

Swinger chatrooms are a safe space for lifestyle couples to connect. As the pandemic continues, swingers couples are becoming more eager to connect with other lifestyle couples via online chatrooms. A place where social distancing is the norm, yet real connections can be made that might come to physical fruition when things return to some semblance of normalcy.

Let’s get into how and why connecting in swinger chatrooms is not only best for now, but also for any other time as you seek to connect with like minded people.

Why Choose Swingers Chatrooms?

The truth is, most of us already chat online, whether it be through messages, video or both. After all, it is the best way to make connections with new people and maintain contact with other swingers couples. Even if you are new to chatting with swingers, online sessions are a great way to get to know someone and what to expect should you meet up at some point.

Another great point to consider is that people feel free to communicate open and honestly their personal likes, dislikes and role in the swingers lifestyle on a private forum. Even newbies can become more comfortable with the lifestyle after a few chats helps them realize that they often share common fantasies and fetishes with like-minded individuals. Best of all, if you don’t like what you are hearing or seeing, it’s easy to disconnect or just move into a new chat room.

Find People With Similar Interests: Search Online Chat Rooms

With a few clicks to narrow down your interests, chatrooms let you easily connect with those who have similar proclivities. Most rooms are highly populated, so there are numerous break-off chat rooms dedicated to specific interests, such as:

  • Cuckold
  • Hotwifing
  • Bi-Male/Female
  • Taboo
  • Nudist
  • Transgendered
  • Threesomes
  • Hard/Soft Swapping

You can even start your own topic chat on many sites as well as plan meetings, events, vacations or book hotels for playtime with your new friends.

Moving off the main board and into a private chatroom lets you maintain a greater level of privacy, and only in these rooms should you even consider sharing nudes or any type of personal information. While there are lots of rooms and options, there are some guidelines for participating in chatrooms.

Quick Tips for Wisely Using Swinger Chats

Not a lot of hard-set rules exist, but courtesy and common sense should prevail to ensure participants have a good experience as well as lots of fun. Couples should use swinger chatrooms together when possible. It creates sexy time opportunities as you get turned on by someone else, and you can agree as to whether attraction exists on both sides.

Don’t randomly just start sending nudes without being asked. Use tasteful pics in your profile that are sexy but not over-the-top full on body shots. Leave something to the imagination. Always be respectful and never shame other’s fantasies or their bodies. Most importantly, keep in mind that everyone in the forum is looking for a good time, so play nice now and save some naughty for later.

Swinger Meet & Greet

Swinger Couples Meet & Greet – First Dates

Finding swinger couples is not an easy task. As such, most couples make their connections online. Before couples decide to make their relationship physical, they go out on a first date, also called a meet and greet with the other couple or single, to ensure that there is chemistry. If you are new to the swingers … Continue reading Swinger Couples Meet & Greet – First Dates

Tips for Choosing Swinger Couples For Playtime in the Lifestyle

Your spouse or partner has agreed to kickstart a swinging lifestyle with you. While you couldn’t be more thrilled for the highly memorable encounters yet to come, before they can … READ MORE


Believe it or not, swinger couples do have greater health benefits due to more orgasms. Orgasms are directly connected with the happy mood and mental strength of both the sex partners. Both of these factors are present more in swinging couples as compared to monogamous couples as they are controlled by various other factors. Flexibility, creative capacity, adaptation of changing circumstances and indefinable thinking are some of the factors that rule the mood and metal health of a person. When you compare the sexual life of swinging couples and monogamous READ MORE

Swinger chat rooms


Considering Hotwifing? Here’s How to Screen Potential Playmates

In the swingers lifestyle, it’s fairly common for wives to fantasize about being with another partner while their spouse is present—or not. This agreement is known as a hotwife relationship, with both partners and participants fully consenting. These arrangements can be loads of fun, but finding the right man or men to play with takes careful consideration.

Here are some screening tips for potential hotwifing partners.

Pre-Screening Partners

Many might call these men ‘bulls,’ and the most common place to find these party boys is online. While there’s no shortage of swinger and lifestyle sites to browse what’s out there, finding a service that requires some form of pre-screening for members is very wise.

Many sites allow reviews to be left by previous playmates, and they can be a good indicator of who’s worthy of your time. It’s also nice to look at photos and get a feel for them before considering any type of communication or meet-ups.

Measure the Chemistry Level

If you’re not into their photos or find their bio appealing, it’s not likely that there will be much chemistry in person. However, this can perhaps be best measured with some small talk or basic video communication before tossing their profile aside.

It’s important for both swingers in the relationship to have some chemistry with someone that they plan to take to the bedroom. Sometimes, men are better judges of character, because who understands men better than men?


Don’t Feel the Need to Rush Into a Hotwife Relationship

Considering that your new bull is likely a complete stranger, take time to meet up for a casual date if you’ve gotten past the screening and are attracted to them. Public places for a few drinks or a casual meal is great starting point. Bring along the spouse or at least a girlfriend or two for added security and as a possible way out should the meeting not go as well as planned.

Have a few code words or secret signals to use if things get uncomfortable. Either way, take time to get a feel for the bull before hopping into the sack or bringing them to your home.

Be Spontaneous, But Do So Safely

Those in the swingers lifestyle have an obligation to themselves and their partners to play it safe. This means having appropriate protection, such as condoms ready to go in case the action gets hot unexpectedly.

It’s also a smart call to make sure that you don’t go out to clubs or bars in search of bulls without your partner or friends. After all, these meetings can be risky and that fantasy sex can end up being a very bad and dangerous situation.

Use Your Intuition

Those gut instincts are essential in hotwifing, so anyone you meet online can either give you a good or bad vibe. Trust your intuition, and be sure to take the reviews of other swingers into consideration. There are quite a few wolves in the regular dating world, so prepare to cross a few bad apples in your search for the perfect bull to bring into your life.


The hotwife way of life advances to numerous men and ladies of a receptive nature who have a stable relationship and wish to investigate past the skylines of conventional sexuality in regards to marriage and monogamy. The hotwife way…

Inside the Mind of a Hotwife: What She’s Really Thinking

A hotwife is a special type of member of the swingers lifestyle. These ladies simply love having sex with different partners, either in front of their spouse or on solo … READ MORE


hotwife lifestyle

Most hotwives make satisfying their husband in and out of the bedroom a priority, and there’s no denying that the majority of men enjoy seeing their hotwife exhibit a bit of slut-laden naughtiness every now and then. Here are three clever ways to spice up your slut level to keep your man excited day in and out. 1.   Feel Like a Goddess Every Day…Exude Your Awesomeness There are not too many things that a man loves and appreciates more than self-confidence in a woman. When you feel sexy you ARE READ MORE


lifestyle performance anxiety

Tips On Over-cumming’ Performance Anxiety in the Lifestyle

It’s not unnatural for people to have anxiety about certain aspects of sex, their own body or even their partner from time to time. However, in the swingers lifestyle, feeling a bit nervous about initial encounters can be prevalent.

Performance anxiety can prevent our bodies from responding in the way we hope when it comes down to  playtime sessions and staying aroused—or getting there—may become challenging.

Singles and couples should consider the following to fully overcome lifestylw insecurities and boost confidence at lifestyle parties or with new partners in private settings.

Bypass Sexual Insecurities

One or two not so great experiences may be signs of sexual fears and barriers that impede having the best time possible. However, these methods and practices can boost esteem and make you a standout at lifestyle clubs and other personal interactions when swinging.

Do a Little Research

Are you dry, suffering from erectile dysfunction or having trouble peaking in bed? A little online research can help you dive into the causes of these issues, as can consulting with a medical provider who can help discover if there’s a physical source of the problem.

Build Confidence

Grow self-esteem through self talk and don’t hesitate to reach out to your primary partner about these concerns. Their understanding can be very reassuring. Consider including more physical exercise in daily activities which can boost libido, body confidence and increase longevity.


Try Soft Swapping During Swingers Playtime

Sometimes the pressure of feeling the need for a full swap can result in anxiety, especially for newer exchanges. Sometimes, easing into the scene with a soft swap with one new partner at a time can be comforting, as these don’t necessarily require an erection or a performance. It can involve touching, kissing, caressing and massaging rather than full on sex.

Employ a Few Toys

Toys are commonplace at many lifestyle parties, as they can help everyone get into the mood. Why not bring them into your everyday life or swinging partnerships for a bit of a morale booster? Should you not be in the mood, a good selection of toys can save the experience, ensuring a good time is had by all.

Take Care of Yourself First

If getting going is a struggle, you can head to the bathroom to get a rev in your step so to speak with a bit of masturbation, deep breathing or visual work. Some enjoy masturbating in front of partners, but others might find privacy more reassuring. If staying hard longer is a concern, get yourself off first to increase stamina for the real deal.

Divide and Conquer

If performance anxiety is associated with performing in front of a current partner or strangers in lifestyle clubs, head to a separate room with swingers playmates. This means you aren’t being analyzed, nor is your lovemaking style, so dividing it up can be beneficial in certain situations.

Remember, our bodies are often unpredictable and may not always do what we want when we want. Try these helpful tips for easing sexual performance anxiety and find more pleasure ultimately in the swingers lifestyle and in your everyday relationship.

What If You Can’t Perform In Group Sex?

Group sex is not new. It has been and a good number of people have taken part in it at one point or another. There are just some that fully… READ MORE


Have you seen those impotence ads on the television? It is usually an older, married couple. The next commercial is usually and ad for hair restoration. You notice that most the men in the ads seem to be older?…


Couple Swapping

Along with threesomes, couple swapping is often a key component of relationships for those involved in the swinging lifestyle. However, there is always an underlying question that arises with each encounter: Should couples enjoy the action in the same room, or should they head to separate rooms? In short, the answer depends on the participant’s preferences. Let’s get under the sheets a bit in both scenarios and explore the differences between both experiences. Swinging with Partners in the Same Room Many couples enter the swinging lifestyle because they get turned READ MORE


How the Swingers Lifestyle Enhances Intimate Relationships

Many vanilla and traditionally monogamous individuals without a sense of sexual adventure have a tendency to proclaim that the swingers lifestyle is a surefire way to a breakup or a divorce.

However, many couples involved in swinging will disagree along with several polls and studies that support the notion that swingers can—and do—have rather healthy intimate relationships.

Here’s how giving an intimate relationship a new twist with swinging can promote a more solid commitment and boost sex appeal.

Jealously is Surpassed in Swinging

There is absolutely no room for jealous inclinations in the realm of healthy intimate relationships, but this can present a bit of new challenge for swinging couples just delving into the lifestyle. Jealousy can kill the good vibes and dampen the trust and love in any relationship, swinging or monogamous.

The willingness to share a partner without letting the green-eyed monster rear its ugly head indicates a solid connection with a primary partner. According to many mental health counselors, swinging couples in an intimate relationship tend to be both more satisfied and committed to their partnership than their vanilla peers.

Swinging Can Boost Confidence

Healthy intimate relationships are had between individuals who each have their own strong sense of confidence. Not to be egotistical, but it sure can make one feel pretty good about themselves to know that they are desired by others outside of their relationship.

Having the ability to act upon those desires with the consent of a partner can provide a pick-me-up that restores sexual prowess back at home. Scratching those itches and letting someone outside the confines of the committed partnership with a one-time fling or amid the swingers lifestyle just might help a strong relationship gain even greater traction.

Curb Cheating In An Intimate Relationship

When the rules are abided by, the swingers lifestyle is kind of like a hall pass with consent, no jealously, and there is no need to cheat. Boredom or being involved in a lackluster or sexless relationship can easily lead to cheating. Regardless of WHY one or both partners seek to fulfill sexual needs outside of the primary bonds, discussing an alternative lifestyle can prevent cheating and actually establish a closer connection between couples.

Excitement Strengthens Relationship Bonds

The monotony of monogamy can be a primary reason for the ending of a union. According to scientific studies, only nine percent of the mammals in the world practice monogamy, which leads us to wonder how we should expect the human species to have only one mate? Likely the rise of religions calling for monogamy has pushed our species into this non-natural existence.

However, shouldn’t we all be allowed to live in ways that make us happy, soothe our bodies and satisfy our physical and emotional desires without judgement? Swinging with the consent and within guidelines established let’s couples open up and enjoy a greater sense of satisfaction with their partners without fear of repercussions.

Stay together longer. Have a healthier intimate relationship. Go outside of the norm if you and your partner are comfortable doing so and give the swingers lifestyle a try.

Top 3 Reasons Why Swinging Works

With the openness of the internet, swinging has moved from the underground into more mainstream territory. While swinging clubs and parties have always existed, joining them or asking questions has … READ MORE


As people are finding themselves restless during the COVID-19 pandemic, those in the swingers lifestyle are even more antsy. Social distancing guidelines have heavily restricted the opening and capacity levels in bars, clubs, on cruises and in public places. This…


Swinger Couples

Believe it or not, swinger couples do have greater health benefits due to more orgasms. Orgasms are directly connected with the happy mood and mental strength of both the sex partners. Both of these factors are present more in swinging couples as compared to monogamous couples as they are controlled by various other factors. Flexibility, creative capacity, adaptation of changing circumstances and indefinable thinking are some of the factors that rule the mood and metal health of a person. When you compare the sexual life of swinging couples and monogamous READ MORE

swingers lifestyle

swinger definitions

Swingers Definitions That Every Newbie Needs to Know

In the realm of swinging there are many covert terms that the average person might not fully be aware of. So, those starting out or who are planning to dabble in this alternative lifestyle will want to become privy to a few key swinger definitions to get more familiar with the scene.

Swingers: People who take pleasure in swapping or sharing their intimate partner with one or more individuals outside the primary relationship. Swingers set their own limitations and boundaries.

The Swingers Lifestyle: The term swingers lifestyle refers to the alternative lifestyle known as swinging. However, it can describe sex-positive persons of an open mind to partner sharing or swapping.

Vanilla: Swingers use the term vanilla to describe individuals who are traditionally monogamous and that have sext that doesn’t involve acts that deviate from the norm such as BDSM, orgies, etc.

Unicorn: Considered unusual and often rare, unicorns are single women open to swinging. Many couples seek out these ladies when first dabbling while others prefer unicorns due to their openness and lack of desire for full-time relationships. Bulls are single male swingers.

Playmates: Playmates is a term used to describe swingers that you engage with in ‘playtime’ which involves whatever sexual activities the partners choose.

Voyeurism: Those who enjoy watching others have sex with the consent of the participants are engaging in what is called voyeurism.

Soft Swap: Soft swapping swingers don’t engage in full-blown intercourse but rather limit activities with others to heavy petting, oral sex and kissing.

Full Swap: A full swap is when penetrative sex occurs with swinger playmates.

Closed Door Swinging: Closed door swinging describes couples who swap partners in separate rooms for sexual activities.

Same Room Swinging: This is when those in the alternative lifestyle share a room or space for their soft or full swap playtime.

Polyamory: Individuals who say they are in an open relationship might be into polyamory, which is when a couple doesn’t expect monogamy from their partner. However, rather than simple casual flings, polyamorous groups are more often long-term relationships with mutual love and respect. It’s not the same as swinging, and poly couples often live together as ‘families’ with a third person or other committed couple.

Hotwife: A hotwife is a married or committed woman who has the permission of her partner to have sex with other men. Typically, the ‘hubby’ enjoys watching and in some cases may join in. There are also hot-husbands, as well filling the reverse role.

Cuckold: When a man ‘complies’ with his partner’s sexual engagements with other men while watching and getting pleasure from it, he is called a cuckold. This can also be used to describe men who love to be dominated by their woman. Females in this situation are called cuckqueens.

MMF vs MFM: In the realm of threesomes an MMF is a male-male-female grouping in which the two men will have sex. MFM is a male-female-male threesome positions the woman in the middle because the men will only have sex with the woman.

FMF/FFM: Threesomes in which a female-male-female (FMF) occurs with no female interaction. FFM implies bisexual action between females.

The swingers lifestyle is a fun way to mix up the sex life of open-minded couples, so these are only the beginning basics of swinger definitions that you’ll learn as you gain experience in the lifestyle.


Do you believe that men can still love their wives even though they are involved in Hotwifing? Most women wonder if their men are really into them, reason being that their soul mate advises them to be intimately involved with other men. Some of these women may wonder if what they are being required to do is really possible. It is easy to come into terms with what these women are thinking of the Hotwifing issue, this is because these women have some outlook on how relationship should be and what READ MORE

Different types of threesomes and the benefits

Many couples get a bit bored with their sex life and start thinking about options to spice it up. For many people the idea of a threesome comes to… READ MORE


Cuckolding is a type of relationship in which a man watches his lady being pleased sexually by other men. In some cases the man is unable to satisfy his lady sexually and he may not even be aware of the techniques…


love languages

The Love Languages Applied To A Swingers Relationship

Love languages can be defined as words or actions that convey very specific meanings to each of us, and lifestyle couples definitely rely on strong verbal and physical connections to stay close. Languages in relationships vary, and couples in the lifestyle are no different from the average ‘vanilla’ couple in that aspect.

There are purportedly key ways to express these languages in relationships according to the 1992 best selling book, ‘The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate’ by Gary Chapman.

Let’s explore these aspects and how lifestyle couples can use them daily to express their love and affection for their partner.

Invest In Quality Time

Couples in a relationship want to feel like they are number one in their partner’s life at all times. It is important for each person in the relationship to feel valued. Lifestyle couples tend to craft out time for themselves to connect on a more intimate level.  That means televisions, cell  phones and other distractions are put at bay for a bit every day so couples can spend some quality time together. Let this time be moments to focus only on your chosen mate at the moment. This confirms your dedication and let’s them know you are there for them.

Get On Board With Physical Touch

Hugging, kissing and a mere touch of the hand means the world to a partner in need of touch. Just sitting closely, a nudge or a wave can quantify as physical touch, so there’s no sense in denying the one you care for of these small gestures that don’t cost a cent!

Giving Gifts

Hey, your gift doesn’t have to cost a million dollars to make a big impression on your partner. Love notes, a mix of songs or just making some toast in the morning along with a flower from the lawn means volumes. It’s all about the thought behind the actions that mean the most. This language expresses you ‘know’ your partner and care.

Acts of Service

Driving, cooking and cleaning show care and compassion no matter who you do it for. The act of ‘action’ is one of the best ways to be of service to another and affirm their love is appreciated. Don’t wait until they ask—volunteer! And be there when you are most needed physically, financially, and emotionally.

Words of Affirmation

No one loves pretty words more than you partner and they want to hear them coming from you! Giving verbal affirmation with ‘I love you, and you’re a God/Goddess” just cannot be topped! Compliments and words of love go far in any relationship, and again—they are free!

These love languages are practiced regularly by couples of the lifestyle who shares a deeper connection. Swinger couples are highly committed to ensuring that their bonds continue to grow stronger as they explore their sexual adventures together. Couples don’t come to the lifestyle to save their relationship, but come with an already strong bond that helps to amplify their sexual revolution.


How To Get Started As Swinger Couples

Communication is the key ingredient to ensuring a successful entry to the swinging lifestyle. In the event that you and your partner may be interested in becoming swinger couples, the …



As people are finding themselves restless during the COVID-19 pandemic, those in the swingers lifestyle are even more antsy. Social distancing guidelines have heavily restricted the opening and capacity levels in bars, clubs, on cruises and in public places. This…


why swinger couples dont divorce

Learn why swinger couples don’t divorce as often as monogamous couples. Swinging refers to a lifestyle which is meant for adults and is luxurious and lavishing. This lifestyle is being practiced by many individual adults as well as by several married couples. There are several swinger clubs open in various places. It is also possible to lead a normal lifestyle with family and children along with a swinger lifestyle. But this may be a very challenging task. This lifestyle provides various sexual liberties to swinger couples without any infidelity or READ MORE

porn addiction

Porn Addiction Pandemic? – Tips to Avoid This ‘Novel’ Virus

They say this pandemic has resulted in ‘unprecedented times,’ and many swingers are finding themselves stuck at home or unable to connect with their play partners and friends. Surely, the days can get boring and the nights may feel lonely and cold so some fill their time with a little adult entertainment.

It appears that leading porn sites are seeing a massive surge in streaming subscription services and visitor views, so people are likely finding relief and entertainment in front of the screen. This seems to be leading to more concern that individuals are increasingly falling victim to porn effects such as addiction.

Is Porn Addiction Real?

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) porn addiction isn’t officially recognized as a mental health disorder. Rather, most psychological professionals view porn addiction as a behavioral issue that shares similar mechanisms with those suffering from substance addiction.

However, some researchers are suggesting that porn addiction can be chalked up to compulsion as opposed to addiction. While the line is thin between the two, compulsions are things someone does over and over again without any rational motivation other than satisfaction or alleviating anxieties. Addictions, on the other hand, are things one cannot stop doing, but both terms involve a severe lack of control.

What are the Signs of Porn Addiction?

Occasional viewing doesn’t indicate an addiction, but those who feel a complete lack of control over their compulsion could very well be addicted to this visual stimulation. Signs of a potential problem include:

  • Time spent watching keeps increasing and impedes on daily responsibilities or time spent with others in your life
  • Feelings of guilt develop after viewing porn
  • You find yourself needing a ‘fix’ of porn to get ‘high’
  • Sex doesn’t seem pleasurable without watching pornography
  • You start pressuring your sexual partner to perform acts you see in porn that they are uncomfortable with

Preventing Pandemic Pornography Addiction

It’s natural to crave relief during this crisis and porn can be a great release and assist with masturbation. However, you should know when enough is enough and when you might have a real problem that could negatively impact you or someone you care about. Here are some prevention tips.

  • If you find yourself routinely viewing it, you can set up restrictions or time constraints for yourself.
  • Check out the advice from the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control that recommend increasing outdoor activities that conform to social distancing regulations to reduce anxiety and screen time.
  • Stay off the Internet when you are feeling like looking at a naughty site. Pick up a book or magazine, play a game, take on a home project or discover a new hobby to kill some time productively without focusing on sex.

If you suspect that porn effects are becoming a problem, don’t hesitate to reach out to a mental health professional for sex addiction counseling and get further advice.

Swingers Website


There is nothing wrong with watching porn alone or as a couple. In many societies, porn is viewed as a taboo however if you take a closer look at the reasons behind this, you will realize that there is nothing wrong about porn especially if you are watching it with your partner. In fact, there are very many benefits derived from watching porn as a couple. If you are interested in discovering these benefits to make your sexual experiences with your partner more pleasurable, below are 6 important benefits of READ MORE


In a recent survey polled by SLR, 99% of women who experienced an MMF threesome wanted a repeat. Experiencing intimacy is a very complex process which begins when people are really young. As they grow older and enter adulthood, both…

Swing Club Orgies

What are Orgies Really Like in The Swinging Lifestyle

Many people imagine orgies to be a rowdy and outrageous affair, but the truth is that they’re often simpler and less visually captivating than imagined. Newcomers to the swinging lifestyle … READ MORE

sex stories

Best Adult Books for Swingers Couples During Quarantine

Being in quarantine is a reality check for many people around the world, leaving millions of us bored at home including swingers. Television and Internet perusing gets old after a while, so we want to suggest some great adult books with sex stories that revolve heavily around swinging.

Whether you’re just interested, are polyamorous, married, bi, gay, straight or a swinging single, there are many great reads to occupy your time and get your mind in a sexy place, too.

Top 5 Adult Books For Erotic Stories

1. Swingers’ Lifestyle: The Questions You are Afraid to Ask by Jackie Melfi

This gem is an exceptional and honest Q & A session with Jackie Melfi answering some tough questions about the swinging lifestyle based on her experiences and observations. The Swingers’ Lifestyle is great for beginners, those who have trouble asking hard questions and is even insightful for non-swingers.

Questions come directly from her fans and readers, and is not filled with sex stories but is filled with valuable insights and information.

2. More About A Life Less Monogamous by Cooper S. Beckett

If you’ve ever wondered “Is this all there is to life?” Then More About A Less Life will be a satisfying read. It’s about the meeting of two couples that are asking themselves these very same questions and are looking to spice up their relationships. While Bruce and Paige are not quite outed as swingers, they will have a chance encounter with Jennifer and Ryan that helps them all come to a greater understanding of sexuality unfolding with unbridled passion. This is a good one to initiate playtime with partners you’re quarantining with, as it’s filled with sizzling sex stories.

3. The Ethical Slut : A Practical Guide to Polyamory, Open Relationships, and Other Freedoms in Sex and Love by Janet W. Hardy

This is a definitive guide to being an ‘ethical slut’ and contains a good bit of information that offers reflections on the attitude of partner swapping and sharing in the mainstream media and typical US family. However, this Janet W. Hardy book discusses jealousy, communication, integrity and tips for asking for (and getting) what you truly want from your open relationship or swinging adventures.

4. The Ground Rules by Roya Carmen

All the main character has to do is follow five ground rules to live out the fantasy of her dreams. While happily married with children, an encounter with a mysterious couple promises to open the doors to unexplored desires. In this tale of a ‘nice girl’ stepping beyond her comfort zone with her hubby in tow, will they be able to follow the rules? You’ll have to read The Ground Rules to find out!

5. The Lifestyle: A Look at the Erotic Rites of Swingers by Terry Gould

Believe it or not the author of this book was once avidly anti swinging. However, after a bit of research in scientific articles and discussions with ‘normal’ members of the lifestyle he had a change of heart. Delve into his discovery of the misunderstandings and prejudices that swinger couples faced throughout history and in many aspects still today. This is a friendly read that offers solid arguments that positively represent swingers and their life choices.

Pick up any of these amazing reads for swingers at local erotic stores or visit our Free Erotic Stories on SLS and enjoy our wide selection of topics written and submitted by their members.


anal sex myths

You may have ahead a lot of myths about anal sex which is almost scaring you away from trying it. Actually there are many myths that many people spread but you need to carry out some form of research which will enable you in making the best decision. The following are some common myths about anal sex which you should be aware of:   It will hurt This is just a myth; the truth is that anal sex does not hurt. It depends on the one who is doing it. READ MORE

Finding the Best Erotic MILF stories

Swinglifestyle is the best place for erotic Milf stories. Sometimes the imagination is the best source available to satisfy our needs for erotic material. Did you know that several …


Erotic Stories Before anything else, let’s discuss about ’emotional stimulation’ first. Studies show that most men could easily be visually stimulated. On the other hand, women are the opposite, they react more to emotional stimulation. So, it only implies that,…

adult books