Tag Archives: monogamy


Monogamy — Social Order or Is It Just Natural for Humans?

According to the majority of the populous, monogamy is not just natural to humans—it’s practically an expectation, a phenomenon known as ‘social monogamy.’ Which brings about the question, if being with just one person sexually is ‘natural,’ why do so many struggle to stay monogamous or opt for swinging relationships?

And those who do stay tried and true to their one and only—are they falling victim to social monogamy to fit into the expected norms of their families, culture or religious beliefs? Let’s delve into social order and human nature to learn more about the lifestyle choices they make–and why.

The Case for and Against Social Monogamy

Let’s face it—women and men view sex very differently and likely have since primitive mankind. Early human’s primary goal was survival, and men are genetically predisposed to procreate as much as possible to maintain the species. In this essence, monogamy might not have been considered as natural to men back then, and statistics do support the supposition that men step outside of monogamous relationships more often than women.

Even since the earliest times, women have had the evolutionary goal of reproduction. Women are inherently more selective in choosing mates to ensure the very best matches for her young. Today, women more often fall into social monogamy after having children—another genetic quality.


As you can see, these variances amid genders creates a social order filled with sexual conflict. What is natural to a male isn’t necessarily how a woman will see things amid the realm of monogamy. Evolutionary traits may lend one to follow what’s best for the gene pool, but this could result in serious consequences for the body. So, which is best? Following monogamous expectations or doing what feels natural for you?

Making Tough Choices About Monogamy

While monogamy is not for everyone. Only you and your partner know what is ‘right’ for you as individuals and as a couple, so if monogamy feels natural, great. Stick with it. If you aren’t feeling fully satisfied with being monogamous, find a partner willing to embrace the lifestyle with you. Swinging and polyamorous couples can be just as committed to their primary partner as anyone else, so don’t hesitate to explore the lifestyle if monogamy isn’t cutting it.

Why An Open Relationship Is Better Than Monogamy

An open relationship is a relationship where partners are free to engage in sexual affairs with other people outside their marriages. Before people decide to engage in open relationships, …READ MORE



Research suggests monogamy is not worth it. Mate swapping or most commonly known as swinging, is engaging in sexual activities to other people outside of your relationship or marriage. It has been seen by people as strange or deviant but research proved that swingers actually live a healthier and better life than the ones that are in monogamous relationships. Who Are Swingers? Before we get any further, let us first define swinging thoroughly. Swinging is belonging in an open relationship wherein both partners engage in sexual experimentation with another couple


More and more people nowadays are choosing to have open relationships. This means in simple terms, being sexually and/or emotionally involved with more than one person. It is not the same as “cheating” because the two (or more) people…

Why Monogamous Couples Are Embracing Swinging

monogamy swingingCurious to see Why Monogamous Couples Are Embracing Swinging? Swinging is a term that is used to refer to the practice of engaging in polygamous activities where one has other sexual partners other than the partner they are married to. Most couples these days are having more than one sexual partner. There are many reasons that most of them have put forward as to why they are swinging. One of them stems from trying to rekindle the sparkle of excitement that usually seems to die when people have been married for some time.

Monogamous couples have also started embracing this trend. Most of them think that swinging is a great way of bringing back that thrill in a relationship. These days, swinging is not only limited to the male partners, women are also actively engaging in swinging just as their male counterparts. More and more monogamous couples are seemingly accepting the swinging lifestyle and making it part of their own.

As opposed to what most people think, swinging is not for the struggling couples. As a matter of fact, it is for those couples that have strongly established their love and are even willing to let their partners have some sexual experience beyond their marriage boundaries. For the monogamous couples that are practicing the swinging lifestyle, it means that they love and trust each other to the extent that they are even allowing to have some sexual experience with other partners.

It means that their marriage life is so strongly established that there is no room for insecurity or fear of dishonesty. The good thing about the swinging lifestyle is that it helps solve the issue infidelity. Instead of a partner having extramarital affairs behind their partners back, they are granted the permission to do so. This has in a way helped partners open up to each other about how they feel and why they would want to try out swinging.

Swinging is a big decision for any couple. This is because it might change how the two relate to each other forever. It is therefore very important for any monogamous couple that is thinking about trying it out to have a lengthy discussion. This will help resolve the issues that either of them may have. By agreeing to try it, they will be ready for any consequences that might arise.

Swinging is not for couples that are just bored with their sexual life, it is for those that have mastered their sexuality and totally fulfilled the needs of each other to the extent that they feel they may want to share their sexual experience with other like-minded couples. Again the marriage should at all times come first before the swinging lifestyle.
