Learn Why Men Should Encourage Women To Have Sex With Other Men.
The number of people having open relationships has increased significantly in the recent past. In such relationships both the partners or one of the partner get to have sex with other people. The reason behind the increase in this kind of relationship is that more people have come to know the benefits of such a relationship. In the past it was almost impossible to have such a relationship. But nowadays more people are open minded. In some cases the man will encourage his woman to have sex with other men. Here are some of the primary reasons why a woman should have sex with other men besides her patner.
One of the primary reasons is that the woman will get an opportunity to learn new techniques. This is helpful because it lets the couple get more sexual options to explore. When a woman just haves sex with one man it will be almost impossible to learn new techniques. This is mainly because the woman will be using only the techniques that the particular man knows. This limits the couple to just a few sex techniques. But when the woman gets to have sex with other men she will know the techniques used by the other men. This will in turn improve joy for both the man and woman since there will be new techniques to try and in most cases the new techniques are usually more enjoyable. Learning new techniques also eliminates the boredom created by repeating the same techniques over and over.
By having an open relationship where the woman is having sex with other men the sexual excitement is experienced mostly by the man. This simply means that the man will enjoy more by having new techniques to try out. The importance of this is further enhanced by the fact that most men are usually ashamed of learning new sexual techniques. But if a woman haves sex with other men the partner will enjoy more since he will be introduced to better techniques.
A woman who has sex with other men also gets an opportunity to find a man with a bigger penis. This is because the woman will be exploring different men whose penis sizes differ. When a woman is only attached to one man there is no chance of getting a bigger penis. This is bad especially if the particular man has a small penis. In such a situation the woman will be having sex with the same man with a small penis. But upon having sex with other men the woman will most likely find a man with a bigger penis than the one she is used to. Therefore, it is helpful for both the man and the woman who are in open relationship if the woman gets to have sex with other men.