The outcome of a United States of America based nationwide on-line survey of more than one thousand (1092 to be precise) swingers are discussed. These questions were formed by General Social Survey and were designed to cover a number of topics ranging from social, political and sexual preferences of swingers and compare them with the general mindset of common people.
It was decided after the studies that swingers ranged from the politically active, church going, higher ranked officials to students with good grades and conservative housewives. Swinging emerges as the most likely to make swingers’ marriages work, and generally rank high on the happiness of the marriages and life contentment over their non-swinging inhabitants.
Even though swinging as a substitute marriage technique has been present for quite a few decades in popular culture, astonishingly very little study has been done over this subject. Recent studies (by Gould in 2000) are providing us information about the rites and customs inside the particular world of swingers. The reason of the current study was to evaluate preferred demographic uniqueness, principles, attitudes and characteristics of a nationwide example of swingers.
Whilst the General Public Survey selects individuals using a systematically based, randomized and representative example of American citizens, the particular swingers surveyed in the study are not essentially representative of every swinger in the country of United States of America. They comprise a self-selected model of associates from swing clubs, who decided to complete a nameless online review regarding the swinging way of life.
The model is expected to be inclined in favor of the swingers, those experienced achievement with the standard of living of regular swingers’ lives. Since the study was online based and conducted over the web, it shows a tendency of being more inclined towards the population which is web educated, technologically advanced and affluent population of the swingers. But the plus point of this survey is that it had a more wide geographical diversity and was the first of this kind of survey.
The group of swingers studied in this study presents a geographic outline of a individual who is characteristically middle-aged, white, with a minimum of two years or more of college education, formerly divorced, in a present marriage that has been in existence for over 10.5 years and has been in the scene of popular culture for about five years.
Whilst every seven out of ten of those who were studied were male, the implication of the gender unevenness for the results is unclear. But the element of psychiatry in this study was individual swingers. It is a possibility that some respondents did the survey as couples and strangely permitted the male to “have a word for” the approach of both associates and partners. The uneven numbers of males reacting and responding to the study remains an issue, although, the future research demands to inspect the likelihood of a “male biased” outcome in the outcomes more watchfully.